
Finding the Greenest Neigbourhood in Accra Using Open-source Satellite Sentinel-2 NDVI Data

This walkthrough shows you how to download multispectral satellite (sentinel-2) in R, calculate the NDVI, create spatial statistics for different neighbourhoods using shapefiles, and plot the results. Spoiler: the University of Ghana Campus is the greenest neigbourhood in Accra.

Plotting the Average Driving Time to the Nearest Hospital in Ghana

This walkthrough shows how to plot a heatmap of driving times in a Ghana (or any other country) to a nearest hospital. This involves getting data from OSM, planning driving routes and times in OSRM, plotting in leaflet, using the sp, sf, raster, jstat, osmdata, and osrm packages.

Plotting Street Name Suffixes in R

In this tutorial I will show how I created this map depicting the different suffixes of all the streets in Accra, Ghana. This requires loading data from OpenStreetMap (, cleaning these data, and some advance plotting in `ggplot2`.

Plotting the Average Walking Distance to the Nearest Bar in Accra

This walkthrough shows how to plot a heatmap of walking times in a city to a nearest bar. This involves getting data from OSM, planning walking routes and times in OSRM, plotting in leaflet, using the sp, sf, raster, jstat, osmdata, and osrm packages.